September 26, 2016

Throughout the spring, in various formats (CAEP Accreditation Weekly Update, an email on May 4, and through presentations), CAEP shared the anticipated action by the U.S. Department of Education to end recognition of NCATE and TEAC. 
September 22, 2016, CAEP received formal notification that the ED has ended its recognition of both NCATE and TEAC.  Educator preparation providers (EPPs) are now receiving letters to that effect detailing the impact on TEACH Grants. 
Does this impact accreditation status?
No.  CAEP accepts accreditation decisions from other accreditors recognized by CHEA or the ED.  Accordingly, an EPP’s current accreditation status under NCATE and TEAC will continue through their accreditation term. EPPs do not need to take any action other than to remain continuously accredited to be automatically considered CAEP Eligible. EPPs can expect a toolkit with updated (optional) logos, noting CAEP Eligibility, and language on how to share their accreditation status accurately in mid-November (to be released to all NCATE and TEAC accredited EPPs after the CAEP Accreditation Council meeting in October). 
What is the impact on TEACH Grants?
Letters sent from the ED regarding accreditation status and TEACH Grants includes the option for State Approval; please contact your individual state education agency for more details.  Most educator prepa

request for evaluation

ration programs participating in the TEACH grant program established eligibility for TEACH grants in part on the basis of accreditation by NCATE or TEAC.  However, a loss of federal recognition for NCATE and TEAC would not mean that educator preparation programs will automatically lose eligibility for TEACH grants, if those programs meet alternative  requirements for State approval under paragraph (1)(i)(B) of the definition of a TEACH Grant-eligible institution in 34 CFR 686.2. Institutions that established eligibility for TEACH Grants through accreditation by NCATE or TEAC should review the criteria in 34 CFR 686.2 to determine whether they meet those alternative requirements.  

Why isn’t CAEP currently recognized by U.S. Department of Education?
Since its inception, CAEP has been in contact with the ED regarding achieving recognition and some needed refinements and changes were identified.  For example, addressing and meeting federal codes that govern recognition, such as organizational governance, by-laws, and standards specific to data requirements; and ensuring a defensible, reliable process that assures consistent request for evaluation of standards. CAEP is in the process of implementing those refinements.  CAEP is currently recognized as an accreditor by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). 
Will CAEP seek U.S. Department of Education Recognition?
Yes.  As a reminder, CAEP surveyed the states and EPPs in mid-April, and a majority of states and EPPs supported CAEP seeking U.S. Department of Education recognition.  In June, the CAEP Board reconfirmed its decision to seek U.S. Department of Education recognition.  The current timeline has CAEP filing the request for evaluation in December 2017, with the possibility of securing recognition in late 2018 or 2019.