CAEP Accreditation Status

Accreditation Policy 5.14 (b) Decisions


Accreditation for seven (7) years is granted if the EPP meets all CAEP Standards and components, even if areas for improvement (AFIs) are identified in the final report of the Accreditation Council.

Area for Improvement (AFI):

AFIs indicate areas which must be improved by the time of the next accreditation visit. Progress reports on remediation of AFIs are submitted as part of the Annual Report. AFIs not remediated by a subsequent site review may become stipulations.

Accreditation with Stipulations granted for two years

Accreditation with Stipulation(s) is granted for two (2) years if an EPP receives one (1) or more stipulations and all CAEP standards are met. A targeted response to the stipulations(s) must be submitted by the EPP and is reviewed by a two- to three-person virtual evaluation team. The resulting site review report is submitted to the Accreditation Council for review and consideration for stipulation removal.


Stipulations describe serious deficiencies in meeting CAEP Standards and/or components and must be brought into compliance in order to continue accreditation. All stipulations and relevant evidence are reviewed by the Accreditation Council. Failure to correct the condition leading to the stipulation results in probation or revocation of accreditation.

Probationary Accreditation granted for two years

Probationary accreditation is granted for two (2) years when an EPP does not meet one (1) of the CAEP Standards. Failure to submit a response to the stipulation within a two (2)-year time frame results in automatic revocation. Failure to correct the condition leading to the stipulation within the specified two (2)-year period results in revocation.

Annual Reporting Requirement:

An EPP must submit an Annual Report to maintain accreditation or accreditation-eligibility. The report is opened for data entry each year in January. EPPs are given 90 days from the date of system availability to complete the report. CAEP collects and applies the data from the Annual Report to:

  • Monitor whether the EPP continues to meet the CAEP Standards between site reviews.
  • Review and analyze evidence the EPP is remediating stipulations and AFIs.
  • Monitor reports of substantive changes.
  • Collect completer data, including for distance learning programs.
  • Monitor how the EPP publicly reports candidate performance data and other consumer information on its website.

Failure to submit an Annual Report will be reviewed by the ARM Committee which may recommend adverse action or lapse of eligibility to the Accreditation Council.

Revocation (for Continuing) or Denial (for Initial)

Revocation or Denial of accreditation occurs if an EPP does not meet two (2) or more of the CAEP Standards.  In a case where accreditation is revoked or denied, the EPP can begin the application process after one (1) year from the date of the final decision.

Policy 5.15 Adverse Actions

CAEP’s adverse actions are denial of accreditation if an EPP has not previously been accredited by CAEP and revocation of accreditation if an EPP is currently CAEP-accredited or has maintained continuous accreditation through one of the two legacy organizations (NCATE or TEAC). The Accreditation Council determines whether adverse action should be taken under the following circumstances:

  • Findings from a site review reveal that an EPP does not meet or no longer meets two (2) or more CAEP Standards.
  • An EPP does not come into compliance with CAEP Standards (e.g., address a stipulation) within the specified time frame.
  • Investigation into a valid complaint indicates that CAEP Standards are no longer being met.
  • An EPP no longer demonstrates adequate capacity to maintain and administer its programs and/or is no longer in “good standing” with national, regional, or state accreditation agencies. Accreditation Policy Effective January 1, 2019.
  • An EPP falsely reports data, fails to correct misleading or inaccurate statements, and/or plagiarizes information submitted for accreditation purposes.
  •  An EPP fails to submit an Annual Report within the requirements established in Policy 6.01.
  • An accredited EPP is out of compliance with CAEP policies (e.g., non-payment of fees). 

All the above information can be found in the Accreditation Policy.