SPA Program Report Writing Options

Option 1 (formerly Option A)

Option 1 is the traditional program review option. This option requires that the programs select 6 to 8 key assessments required of all candidates. These assessments include:

  • Assessment 1: State Licensure Exam
  • Assessment 2: Additional Content Assessment
  • Assessment 3: Assessment of Candidates’ Ability to Plan Instruction
  • Assessment 4: Assessment of Student Teaching/Internship Performance
  • Assessment 5: Assessment of Candidate Impact on Student Performance
  • Assessment 6: Additional Required Assessment (specified for some SPAs, such as the OPI for ACTFL)
  • Assessments 7 & 8: Optional Additional Assessments

Option 2 (formerly Option D) - Validity and Reliability Studies Option:

This option permits an institution to conduct validity and reliability studies of its assessments in lieu of other program report evidence requirements. The validity and reliability of assessments (content in relation to standards, consistency with other evidence, success in subsequent employment, etc.) is so integral to a standards and performance-based national recognition review that systematic examination of validity is essential.  It would, by definition, directly address SPA standards.  It would permit institutions with appropriately prepared faculty to formulate a task as part of accreditation that is meaningful for them, while, not unimportantly, helping to advance the research base for educator preparation.  It is an option that might lend itself to joint participation across several institutions, or at least across programs within an institution.  It is probably not an option that every institution has the capacity to execute; moreover, it would require a different kind of selection and/or training of reviewers. Before a program could choose this option, it must receive approval from CAEP and the SPA.

The Initial Licensure/Post-Baccalaureate (IL/PB) Option is no longer available as of fall 2017. Programs now have the choice to use either CAEP Evidence Review of Standard One option or State Program Review option.

Options B and C are no longer available for programs submitting a SPA Report for National Recognition.